TNU to be an Institutional Sponsor in the 3rd Jornadas Iberoamericanas Del Reciclaje
The event will take place from September 18 to 22 at the NOS Convention Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima.
The Jornadas Iberoamericanas Del Reciclaje 2023 is an important sector meeting that brings together experts and professionals in the field of tyre recycling from all over Latin America. This event provides an excellent opportunity to explore various technological and regulatory alternatives, developments and solutions related to tire recycling.
Within the framework of the XVII Latin American Conference on Rubber Technology, the Recycling Conference will offer a wide range of technical, scientific and commercial presentations related to ELT management systems in Latin America, new regulations, innovation in materials, experimental development, research , recycling technologies, tyre retreading, use of ELT in asphalt mixtures for roads, maintenance and management of mining OTR at the end of its useful life, among other relevant topics.
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