Libya Steps up Tyre Recycling Efforts with a New Plant in Benghazi
Back in July 2019, unnoticed by much of the recycling world, Abdalla Thinni, the “Prime Minister” of Libya’s eastern-based “Interim Government” met a representative of a German company to discuss ways of using garbage recycling in alternative energy production, according to Libya’s official state news agency LANA.
Tyre Recycling Plant for Libya
Back in July 2019, unnoticed by much of the recycling world, Abdalla Thinni, the “Prime Minister” of Libya’s eastern-based “ Interim Government “ met a representative of a German company to discuss ways of using garbage recycling in alternative energy production, according to Libya’s official state news agency LANA.
The Municipality of Al-Beida then announced that it was to be the base for Libya’s first waste recycling plant.
The Municipality said this was part of the eastern based ‘’Libyan government’s’’ wider efforts to recycle waste in the eastern region and solve the ongoing problem of accumulated roadside waste.
Al-Beida Municipality reported that the recycling plant was to be installed next to its main garbage dump. It envisioned that it would contribute effectively and radically to the elimination of the garbage accumulation in the municipality and reduce its possible negative impact on the environment.
Western Libya saw various projects for waste collection/recycling announced last year by Tajura, Sug Juma and the Municipality of Central Tripoli as well as the city of Misrata.
However, in September 2020, the Municipality of Benghazi announced that its recycling plant for discarded tyres had begun operation.
The Municipality said the plant will collect discarded tyres and recycle them to convert them to an ‘’added value’’ product that contributes to the national economy.
The project is implemented in coordinated with the Mediterranean Company, part of the Economic and Social Development Fund (ESDF).
The Municipality revealed that the second phase target of the project is the recycling of plastic which is expected to start soon.
Source: Libya Herald
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